Saturday, March 31, 2012

Get Some Pandaren Tail

I've run into some very strange arguments of late about the Red Panda tail, its use by Blizzard, and so on.  So lets start with the silliest one.

"The tails look nothing like a Panda's tail!"
This cutie is a Red Panda.  Their not big or black and white.  That gets us this.
They aren't identical because the Pandaren as a FANTASY race that DOESN'T EXIST is inspired by nature not copying it.

Just to give you an idea of their size difference here is a look at the Giant panda.

Mog Madness

I've been participating in this fun thing called Mog Madness.  The first round was to put together something cloth.  I did a variant on the Baby Blue Delight I have on my transmog page.

I ended up getting some nice reviews for it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wandering Universes - SWtoR Sexism

I tried out SWtOR (Starwars the Old Republic) with their free weekend deal.  It is probably one of the best multiplayer single player games out there.  I'm probably going to pick it up, play a couple of months to get an Imperial and Republic up and see their story and then quit.  Probably not the best design for an MMO.

But there is one thing that is a huge flaw in the game that would poison my enjoyment enough I'm not sure Id stay if I wanted to.  The Dancer's Outfits.  this sends all kinds of wrong messages to the gamer playing the game and I think its useful to talk about them so hopefully the mistake isn't repeated.

I know some of you will be unhappy this isn't about WoW but its any consolation I do plan to mention Warcraft.
Left Imperial, Right Republic

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blizzard Mists of Pandaria Beta Fail

When Blizzard announced they would offer you beta access I was excited.  I was willing to put my money where my mouth was and try their expansion and hopefully make it better instead of just complaining about bad stuff.
When blizzard kept the offer open I figured they hadn't met their goal in players.  Only to find out there were thousands subscribed and it was just going up..and up.

Monday, March 19, 2012

MoP press event links

Mist of Pandaria, Female Pandaren and no new character models.  GamebreakerTV.
Mop Raid Info GamebreakerTV.
Poke MoP.  GamebreakerTV.
Rep Reinvented in MoP.  Gamebreaker TV.
Challenge Modes.  Gamebreaker TV.
MoP Sucessor to Classic WoW.  Gamebreaker TV.

MoP Press Tour, interview with Ghostcrawler.  Tankspot.
Product Director Tankspot.

Wowhead covers the Pandaren and Monks.  Wowhead.
Wowhead interviews.  Wowhead.
MoP Press event FaQ.  Wowhead.

Wow-Insider's link page to their posts.  WoWInsider.

Blizzplanet coverage - Blizzplanet.

MMO-Champion's link page of MoP links.  Here.

Hunters at the HUnters Union - Here

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cataclysm Post Mortem 3 Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street

So I've been slow with this post.  while I'm not a massive fan of Ghostcrawler he is a nice guy and seems to try and be honest in talking to the community.  Especially refreshing when we get fluff like the other two Post Mortems.

This is a response to "Cataclysm Post Mortem -- Greg “Ghostcrawler” Street” Mercer" found here.  Greg is the lead system designer, Mr. NutsandBolts for the game.

"Q. What were your main goals going into Cataclysm?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Transmog, Wyld Druid

The 'Wyld' druid training focuses on shifting between forms and mastering the basics of them all while focusing on none of them.  Talon, Claw, they all have their purpose but the Wild druids have risen to dominance for their sheer flexibility.

Thus I present to you the Wyld Druid.

With a staff that showers leaves and bursts into flowers its an impressive set making the

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

American Bob

Some of you will be wondering what the heck American Bob is.  Its a series of videos Movie Bob does that deal with Politics.  Its just him talking smartly about things.
Watch this one its really very interesting.  Hate it or love it (in part or whole) it will make you think - and that's a good thing.

State of Decay

Now back to your regularly scheduled gamer food.

Can a Wombat carry a coconut?

I volunteer to help my friends find info and I got a rather strange one.

[Catharta]: I want to know if wombats can cry

So this is for you.  Im sure the internet is a completely reliable source for random animal facts.

I found out many weird and fascinating things like the wombat often sleep with all four of

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cataclysm Post Mortem 2 Dungeons and Raids

Whew I didnt expect the questing post to have quite that much bile I obviously have some lingering dislike (Liniar quests suck!) with some fo the choices they made (Harrison Ford must Die!  more Kitties!).  So lets see if this one has a little less..bile.

I got Carrot cake, it should help.  Mmmm...

This is a response to "Cataclysm Post Mortem -- Dungeons and Raids with Scott “Daelo” Mercer" found here.

Apple Cider's Tale

A fellow Blogger Apple Cider told her tale of harassment.  It isn't funny or in any way a joke.  She is a strong and good person, I am pained to hear this has been going on, I had no idea.

Take a moment to read it.  Show her your support.  In Azeroth we stand against evil - this is the evil of the real world.  You can find her post here.

Female Pandaren teaser

The official World of Warcraft Twitter account linked this picture with the message

"She’s on her way -- March 19"

Now this has great promise to be curvy without being grotesque but I was struck by something...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Transmog, Baby Blue Delight

A friend of mine, Kylira, found some shoulders and asked me if its possible to make an outfit around it.  Its one I remembered from Wrath and failing to make an outfit for then so here is my current effort.

The set has many little differences you can do so I'll show off two different looks.  I'll start with the Moonguard version.

Cataclysm Post Mortem 1 Quests

This is a response to "Cataclysm Post Mortem -- Quest Design with Dave "Fargo" Kosak" found here.

He said the Main Goal going into Cataclysm but the community didnt feel that way.  Due to misleading hype about the world shattering zones people expected a sweeping epic story and that barely happened.

They should of stuck to their plan of remaking some zones, updating others, and ignoring the rest.  In the end the final product was very lackluster for its lack of focus relying on things such as bad CSI and Rambo jokes to try and carry it.  They dont have a place in WoW and they fell flat to everyone I know beyond a faint chuckle.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Warcraft Cataclysm Post Mortem Zero

Blizzard recently just started their Post Mortem of the Cataclysm expansion.  For those who arent up on what the term means its something that happens after death in classical meaning or in modern use after some event.  Theres sort of two kinds of Post Mortems.  One that's hard numbers.  X People Subscribed at the start, Y people quit in a month, Z people quit in 3 months, etc.  The other is more of a mood and feel.  You get to look at things less from a numbers viewpoint and more from how people involved felt.  That's what we were given and its a really cool look at how their feeling about Cataclysm.

Well...kind of cool.

Tips& Tricks - Tol Barad Gold

Nearly everyone has given Tol Barad a try but for those that haven't here is a quick rundown.

The first part of the zone doesnt require any PvP and is made up of several dailies.  Its a smallish zone with no flying.  Doable in new level 85 gear and incredibly easy with the gear inflation we have now.

Portals to the zone are right next to the major portal hub in Stormwind and Ogrimar making it easy to pop in and out of.  In fact if you buy the tabard you can use it as a second Hearthstone going to Tol Barad and then zoning through the portal to your capital city.

Its through that zone you reach the second zone.  Its locked off during PvP matches but you can wander in regardless of who is in charge to look around between matches. 

And now for something completely different ...

A fully motorized Pandaren in every garage.

Ive been doing my usual routine of chatting with people and a growing suspicion hit me today.  People are actually reading what I'm writing! 

I'm more used to thinking of this as an info dump for my random thoughts on questing..oh and pvp..and raids..and well whatever shinny thing I latch onto that a few friends read.  It gives me a way to look things up and help them out too while practicing my writing.

This left me thinking so its time for a bit of ..

Monday, March 5, 2012

Transmog, Northrend Hunter

Ok so the last was a bit too flashy.  Apparently hunters are supposed to blend in better.  Who knew?

You know if someone told Elmer he might of done better..ah well.

So something better able to blend in and a gun thats more tech not mystic.  I think I can do that.  I just need to go back to the era of the Wrath of the Lich King for the base.

So I present, the Northrend Hunter!*

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Transmog, Flame Hunter

Ive been trying to make an outfit for a net acquaintance.  Its been tough going since he doesnt know what he wants and I dont even know his character's sex.  Hmm.  Well i do know its a dwarf so I started trying to make a Mountaineer outfit.  Sadly that's all leather (Their really rogues?  Who knew!) so I figured Id try something flashy!

Bright and shinny your certain to stand out against those noobs in their tier sets.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I laugh every time I say that stat name.  Seriously its like the Wii did anyone ever think about it?
*Ahem* Anyway..
For those of you that dont know Ghostcrawler (lead systems designer in WoW) said their removing resilience!  Then their replacing it with two that's that kinda do the same thing but dont.  This has lead to lots of questions and thoughts and since Im on the interwebs I feel the need to add my voice to the mob.

Ah Southpark they skewer some things

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Transmog, Horde Assassin 2

A follow up to Transmog, Horde Assassin 1 here we see my Shattered Hand rogue has moved up in the world.

With a full face mask now to hide her identity and a lovely skull motif on her boots and gloves shes moves from deadly scout to killer in appearance.

Transmog, Mage-Priest

One of the mysterious things in Warcraft are the Mage-Priests of the High Elves.  I wont go into it now but there are some curious grey areas left over from older games and even into Wrath of the Lich King.

From that I had the idea for my RP character, a Halfelven Mage-Priest!

The gear is a light pastel blue and looks vert priestly while retaining a bit of magic to it.

Sadly Dalaran got dark as I was setting up so I climbed up the spires to a roof to catch a bit of sunlight.

Transmog, Hero of the Light

For the most part I try and make transmog sets something that isnt too difficult to work on.  For this set though your going to have to work.

So I bring you the Hero of the Light!

That just screams paladin doesnt it?  Now lets look at how you get it.