Drakesfire Epaulets a BoE item best found off the AH.
For the chest Demon-Forged Beastplate which is not avalible to players but is a blacksmith pattern so if you know someone who learned it before Cata they will still have it.
Main Combat Gauntlets are a nice BoE for the hands.
The belt is the Scarlet Belt random drop from the scarlet monastery.
The Scarlet Leggings are a drop in the Armory of the Scarlet Monastery.
The boots are Mail Combat Boots a BoE best farmed form the AH.
Finally a lovely Resplendent Cloak finishes off the set.
This is a VERY fine set and I am quite impressed with her eye for design. So here is the weapons I think work. I wish I could fully show them off but its a bit more room that I want to spend.
Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer drops off the last boss in Black Temple.
The Tidebreaker Trident is bought for a mere 50 clams! Their ground spawns you pick up in the murloc area, very easy to gather.
Now Terokk's Quill is available from a quest in the Sethekk Halls dungeon. Sadly if yu already finished this quest your SOL.
The Black Duskwood Staff is a radon world drop BoE.
The Crystal Pulse-Staff drops of Magtheridon's lair from the one and only boss :)
Damnation is a low chance drop off the 3rd boss in the construct wing of Naxxramas or the 4th boss of the Military Quarter.
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